780.585.3830 mhs@mymhs.ca

Helping you access the services you need to start gaining control of your life

Maskwacis Counseling & Support Services


Located in the South hall of the Family Wellness Building.

Call Us

Call: 780.585.2268

Fax: 780.585.3381

Opening Hours

Open Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Evening Program hours vary.

New Clients

Call for more information or to talk to a health professional about our services.


Located in the South hall of the Family Wellness Building.

Call Us

Call: 780.585.2268

Fax: 780.585.3381

Opening Hours

Open Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Evening Program hours vary.

New Clients

Call for more information or to talk to a health professional about our services.


awareness and understanding of addictions.


alternative, healthier lifestyles.


Prevention and intervention services.


those addicted and their families post-treatment.

Promoting wellness to individuals, families and groups as they embark on their healing journeys.

Short Term Crisis Intervention
The Short-Term Crisis Intervention Mental Health Counselling (STCIMHC) Benefit provides eligible clients with coverage for mental health counselling to address crisis situations when no other appropriate services are available.
N.A.Y.S.P.S Prevention
Designed to increase protective (preventive) factors against suicide and reduce risk factors associated with Aboriginal youth suicide.
Featured Services
Indian Residential School Support
The Indian Residential School (I.R.S.)Support program is designed to provide emotional and cultural support for the survivors of Indian Residential School and their immediate family members.
N.N.A.D.A.P. Prevention
National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse (N.N.A.D.A.P.) is designed to increase awareness of the impact of substance abuse on the members of the four nations of Maskwacis.

Safe, well balanced Maskwacisak with positive attitudes and traditional values, living in harmony and working together to assure flourishing individuals and families.

Traditional Parenting

Designed to provide culturally specific training for 4 Nations parents to explore the values and attitudes expressed in traditional parenting.

Support Groups

We offer and facilitate self help groups for Anger Management, Grief Recovery, Domestic Violence, etc…

Our Services

Interested in learning more about our services? Our friendly staff will be happy to answer your questions.


3 Week outpatient program


Alcohol Anonymous Meetings


Cocaine Anonymous Meetings


Self-help Groups


Treatment Centre Referrals


Narcotics Anonymous Meetings


Al-anon Meetings

